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Not a live tree falls
for our burnishments.
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Email mikejust3022@gmail.com
Rustic Furniture from the log - Glass Top Tables - Tree Table Sculpture P.O. Box 143, Wilson, Kansas, 67490, US
Copyright 1996 - 2019 - Mike Just - Rustic, natural, organic. Elegant root Furniture - Glass Top stump Tables - Art Furniture - Sculpture All images, rustic furniture design elements and other content represented on this web site are protected under United States and International copyright laws and are the sole property of Michael W. Just, unless otherwise noted. All use and/or publication rights are reserved, worldwide. All represented images and content are not in the Public Domain. No images, or furnishing designs represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of an authorized representative of Rustic Oak, Mike W. Just, TreeTables.com. Simply Ask.

Currently, we are working on three tangles in the shop. Two dining table tangles as pictured just below
AND a cocktail as pictured further down this page.
The two dining tables can range from 45 inch diameter to to about 63 or 64 inch diameter depending upon the glass top. The cocktail is designed for a 30 to 36 inch piece of glass.
See representative cocktail table directly below.
We are also working on a tangled cocktail table. It could have a round top with polished pencil edging like the photo ( Left, below ) OR it could have, just as easily, an amorphic shaped top with arctic edging. ( photo right ). 30 ish inches in diameter. More, below.
It is not too late with this piece to go to a bit of an ovalish shape for the glass top.. Say 25 inches wide by 40 ish.. long.