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Not a live tree falls
for our burnishments.
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Email mikejust3022@gmail.com
Rustic Furniture from the log - Glass Top Tables - Tree Table Sculpture P.O. Box 143, Wilson, Kansas, 67490, US
Copyright 1996 - 2019 - Mike Just - Rustic, natural, organic. Elegant root Furniture - Glass Top stump Tables - Art Furniture - Sculpture All images, rustic furniture design elements and other content represented on this web site are protected under United States and International copyright laws and are the sole property of Michael W. Just, unless otherwise noted. All use and/or publication rights are reserved, worldwide. All represented images and content are not in the Public Domain. No images, or furnishing designs represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of an authorized representative of Rustic Oak, Mike W. Just, TreeTables.com. Simply Ask.
More on Slab Tables
First, what IS a slab? Just to make sure we are all thinking alike.
A slab is a ONE piece, no man made seams, piece of wood. Thickness may vary but 1 1/2 inches to 4 and even thicker is doable.
A slab may be cut from a log or a flared stump and even a root ball.
Slabs may also be cut from the center of huge roots. Within the center of a root is what is called " burl ". Burl used to be sought after by Mercedez Benz for use on the dashes of their cars. Today, they don't do that. Burl is often sold by the square inch and is also used for highly prized gun stocks.
Solid burl SLABS and large ones are to say the least rare, and extremely beautiful . You may view a slide show of one such burl slab table being made by clicking here .
And you may view a few of the pieces of slabs of burl available to create tables from as of Sep, 2010, by clicking HERE. NOTE: these slabs can be " cut to size " .

This is a patch of burl on the end of a table I did in 1999.
Burr Oak is the speci of wood.
This is a coffee table created from a " stump slab ". Sawn from a rootball.
Sometimes two slabs are joined at the center to create this.
Contemporary bases are available.
We have a number of various sized stumps these can be slab cut from. 8 to 9 weeks delivery due to seasoning of wood needs.
This is a huge Claro Walnut slab, one piece, about 40 inches wide and 8 feet long with a contemporary stainless steel base.
Large Claro Walnut slabs are not available all the time. They are highly sought after. The cost of a table similar to this is
$ 14,000.00
Stump Slab Tables.
4 ft. L by 20 - 32 in. W. - $4,800.00
This Redwood slab is from a tree that is between 1,500 and 2,500 years old. It was cut from a Giant Red wood root.
It measures 22 - 24 inches wide by 66 inches long and is 3 inches thick.
It can be made into tables 36 inches to 66 inches long and 20 inches to 24 inches wide.
The table may have natural edgings ( rougher ) or beveled edgings exposing the burl as shown in photo, left.
Ball park cost on a 4 foot table of this slab..
Burl stump base: $3,200.00
Bronze trapezoid base $4,600
This is Burr Oak. A photo of the " natural edge" of a slab of Burr Oak.
Generally, we have some 19 to 20 inch slabs of this beautiful material.
Example of pricing:
4 foot long by 20 inch wide table with branch legs;
About $2,100.00
For more details contact Mike at
( 785 ) 658 3548
A few of the extraordinary slabs available HERE.
Burl / Slab Tables
In Progress
click onto your choice, below.