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Not a live tree falls
for our burnishments.
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Email mikejust3022@gmail.com
Rustic Furniture from the log - Glass Top Tables - Tree Table Sculpture P.O. Box 143, Wilson, Kansas, 67490, US
Copyright 1996 - 2019 - Mike Just - Rustic, natural, organic. Elegant root Furniture - Glass Top stump Tables - Art Furniture - Sculpture All images, rustic furniture design elements and other content represented on this web site are protected under United States and International copyright laws and are the sole property of Michael W. Just, unless otherwise noted. All use and/or publication rights are reserved, worldwide. All represented images and content are not in the Public Domain. No images, or furnishing designs represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of an authorized representative of Rustic Oak, Mike W. Just, TreeTables.com. Simply Ask.

Creating a stump table base.
How it works
the bringing nature indoors.
By Mike Just
Designer Artisan
About 15 years ago, began this journey of mine into bringing to your home, the natural beauties of nature. Quickly I learned we were going to need to develop new techniques for preparing these wonderful beauties. That there was more to it than just finding, cleaning and finishing. Much more! Applying what I had learned in an earlier career of natural air drying for grain, and spending a year and a half in new research of how to tame these specific natural beauties resulted in numerous techniques described, in general, below.
One section of my research focused upon stumps. A wild woods piece, the stump and the process used in it's creation as it moves from an ugly stump, selected in the woods for a specific project, into an elegant furnishing piece fit for use in your home.
At the beginnings of a commissioned work, After having visited via email or phone you, my clients; I have gained the knowledge of purpose: plus general dimensions and descriptions of the project.
Based upon that information, I head to my storage (collection) areas and am able to select the piece that contains the proper artistic flavor AND structurally significant form. These are a few pieces of November, 08.
Scoll down for more of the process.
Over the years experiences, I have become rather adept at seeing though the dirt and into the shape and form of the tree underneath it all. This "looking" and vision takes place in the field, by the creeks and valleys that surround my home town of Wilson, Kansas. That is where, often, I select the piece for your project. However good I have become at this, I feel that one piece is not enough, so, just in case and when in doubt, I select two or more pieces.
The piece is then throughley cleaned of dirt and debris. Even the tight fitting cracks and crevices are cleaned. Later, sanitized.
It is marked for cutting. Digital marks on this photo represent our actual pencil marks at the shoppe Several cut areas, in the case of this piece were analyzed for this particular project. This project was a large table but, could be a bar top support, a vanity base, or other furnishings.
Once the rough cuts are made, it is debarked, further cleaned, and rough sanded.
The piece is turned upside down, and examined carefully for structural soundness and again, at this time, measured for the shaping cuts that are now the next step.
With the roots now cut and shaped to suit the project, the height is cut to within about 1 1/2 inches of final height.
Some projects require additional cuts. Such as the case of a console table, TV stand, or a vanity where the piece
( stump) will rest adjacent to a flat wall or sofa. In this case the stump is tuned on it's side (as shown) and the cut is made utilizing the same sawing method as above.
In SOME cases, the piece is actually cut in half, horizontally, leaving a flat back and roots exposed to the front.
Here, my bother-in-law whom has been working with me for about 4 years, levels the piece using router tool as the cutter. With the adjustable slide table, we are able to level/ flatten, and establish the needed perpendicular lines of lower section (floor line) to upper section ( table top ) to tolerance, as needed.
Final detail flattening is accomplished closer to perfection, using hand sanders.
The piece is then ready to move from the cutting and leveling table to fine sanding. Depending on the time of year and weather, this is accomplished in another room of the shop or, as in the case of this photo, outside.
My son looks weary after a long day of detail sanding.
And finally, after weeks of hard work. Wa La! The piece is finished and shipped to the client.
In this case with an 8 foot diameter onyx stone top table top.
Shipped to Longview, Texas.
Deinfesting and seasoning are critical steps in the process. No one wants bugs in their home. Due to thickness and intricate pieces, the methods used are several and, vary per piece. Left, although not used often, is simple fire and smoke utilizied with hollowed stumps for the lower sections of the piece.
" Fire in the hole !! "
Another fequent method and a large portion of this process is our 130 degree kiln. Additional methods and techniques, borrowed from Mike's grain/food Industry background are used to prepare the root table bases.
There is more than meets the eye.
Trained in fumigation of "Food Industry" products, Mike is able to employ techniques of the grain seed science Indusry. Stringent chemical fumigation standards of the food Industry come into play here and are utilized in dealing with hard to reach areas of many root pieces.
Roots are selected primarily based upon the dimensions you give me for an intended purpose.
All roots are full of character with their undulating amorphic shapes. Most finish out an amber to honeyish hue and color can be adjusted as we near the finishing process.