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Not a live tree falls
for our burnishments.
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Email mikejust3022@gmail.com
Rustic Furniture from the log - Glass Top Tables - Tree Table Sculpture P.O. Box 143, Wilson, Kansas, 67490, US
Copyright 1996 - 2019 - Mike Just - Rustic, natural, organic. Elegant root Furniture - Glass Top stump Tables - Art Furniture - Sculpture All images, rustic furniture design elements and other content represented on this web site are protected under United States and International copyright laws and are the sole property of Michael W. Just, unless otherwise noted. All use and/or publication rights are reserved, worldwide. All represented images and content are not in the Public Domain. No images, or furnishing designs represented on this web site may be copied, stored, manipulated, published, sold or reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of an authorized representative of Rustic Oak, Mike W. Just, TreeTables.com. Simply Ask.

Roots n Stumps
in the rough
Photo's below are of several of the pieces that we have at various stages of readiness. This page in now way represents all of the choices we have.
The first stage in preparations is a through cleaning. It is at this point you can begin to imagine what they might look like after trimmed and finished.
Ref: Piece A
This piece measures width wise 31 inches by about 42 inches up and down and would work well for a glass tops of :
24 in wide by 44 inches
up to 4 ft. wide by 5 to 6 feet long.
The same piece is long enough for dining table height or can be modified for coffee tables.
Nice shaped piece for an oval and lots ! of character.
Piece A contd. ( left )
Bit closer shot of the piece. One of my primary considerations in selecting pieces for your custom orders is of course, the functionality of a piece. I.e. - will it firmly hold the glass top. As you can see in this case there are many tendrils ( roots ) projecting around of what would be the outside perimeter of a table top.
Example of the detailing.
Piece A - contd.
Oblong root
From a side angle. Whether this root piece be used upright ( click here to view a finished upright root ) or used as an inverted root table ( here to view finished one ), either way roots will be trimmed off of the bottom of this piece to flatten and make functional.
More about trimming, below.
Click HERE to view TOP Views of this piece to see how it might look with the roots DOWN to the floor as used for a base for a wooden or stone top.
Piece A - contd.
From a side view; I have marked a line where this particular piece will receive it's initial trim cut. Support roots for functionality still intact and a point where leveling and flattening can begin.
How are the stumps seasoned?
HERE to read more .
Piece B
A wonderful detailed root piece capable of supporting up to a 50 inch to 5 1/2 foot round glass top.. If inverted ( roots up ) OR
Setting as shown ( roots down ) , a natural wood slab top.
( see slab tables index, left ).
Piece C
4 ft by 4 ft.
Full round root
Great piece for a: Round glass top of 5 to 8 foot diameter with roots UP OR with the roots DOWN to the floor, a granite or wood top. Dining, conference, or large cocktail table. Siberian Elm
Piece " D "
Full round root
This piece measures easily 45 inches across and would make a nice piece for under glass. A 55 to 60 inch round glass top would be a nice fit for this size of base.
This piece is sold & currently being incorporated as a root base under a large, one piece, solid burl top.
You may see one of the " in progress " shop photo's of this work by clicking HERE.
Same piece from a side view..
Piece " E "
This piece measures across the top ( photo below), and from point to point, 32 1/2 in. - 30 1/2 in. and 32 in respectively and makes for a substantial supportive base. The undulations or projections of this piece are subtle, more roundish.
Its finished natural color will be a light tannish.
Colorations can be darkened with use of various stains. Just ask.
Sep. 14th, 09
Piece F
Both this piece and the one below are root stumps.
Piece G
Sectons cut from these pieces can create an amorphinic shaped table similer to one on THIS page.
Roots DOWN ( to the floor ) creates another unique " tree table " look.
The tree growing out of the floor.
Click HERE to view photo's of a few of the roots placed in that manner.
When complete, if roots down: will look similar to this table
With roots Up: will look similar to this table. Only will not need the lower base.
The tone of these pieces could be an
amber as in this photo
more of a honey tone as in this photo